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Are Portable Mini Projectors Any Good (Guide)

Projectors have become quite common, especially in homes that have theaters set up. They can also be handy when it comes to watching movies while camping and in the outdoors. 

Only a few years ago, the idea of having a projector small enough to carry in your hand was merely a concept and wishful thinking. But over the years, projectors have come down in size, making them so much easier to move around and carry with you wherever you go. 

In this guide, we uncover what mini projectors are, the three best ones you can find on the market today, and let you decide whether they are worth it or not.

What Does a Mini Projector Do?

Mini projectors are a new breed of portable projectors that are smaller, cheaper, and a lot easier to move around.

They work the same way as traditional projectors do – they project images or videos onto a surface by shining a light through a small transparent lens or using lasers. 

The only difference is that they are a lot smaller, lower quality, and have limited features. In time, the technology will continue to evolve, and the smaller options will do a better job producing high-quality images on larger surfaces.

Does a Mini Projector Have Bluetooth?

Yes, most of the mini projectors on the market now work with Bluetooth-enabled devices. This means that you can connect your favorite external devices such as speakers, headphones, and some even work with keyboards and mouses.

Bluetooth audio isn’t a standard on all projectors, though, so you’ll need to make sure the projector you have, or the one you want to get, supports Bluetooth audio.

Do Mini Projectors Have Sound?

Some mini projectors come with built-in speakers, while others do not. So if you want to create a home theatre like experience, you don’t want to overlook the sound system.

You can either decide to buy a mini projector that includes speakers or purchase a sound system separately and connect it to the projector.

If you want a bigger surround sound experience, you’ll want to look at external speakers; Still, if you want more portability, you can decide to go with Bluetooth speakers instead, only if your projector enables it. You may consider getting a Cheap Wireless Earbud and connect it.

Are Mini Projectors Worth It?

Some advantages and disadvantages come with owning a mini projector, and I believe whether they are worth it or not comes down to personal preference. Due to their small size, their features still have a lot of catching up to do.

With small size comes limited space for plug-in ports, but I think this will improve as new models are designed. 

Another thing to consider is that most mini projectors currently exist don’t have the brightest output. This is another feature that will continue to see improvement. 

With that out of the way, the small size is seen as the most significant benefit. You can practically take a mini projector anywhere without it taking up much space in your bag at all.

Additionally, setting up a mini projector is even easier than setting up the normal ones. You can even easily point it at your ceiling.

What Are the Pros of Mini Projectors?

Size and Portability

The size of mini projectors is seen as the most significant benefit. You can easily carry a mini projector around, and some options even allow you to project movies or videos while on the go.

Set-up Ease

Setting up a mini projector is a lot easier than setting up regular projectors. Most of the projectors have a port to plug in a smartphone to stream directly from your phone.

Additionally, most mini projectors also run on batteries, which is a great feature to have if there’s no power supply nearby. 

Built-in Sound

Lastly, some mini projectors come with built-in speakers that allow you to play sound directly from the device. This adds extra portability and removes the need to purchase additional sound systems.

What Are the Cons of Mini Projectors?

Limited Features

With small size comes limited space for plug-in ports, which means many features are left out in these projectors.

Low Resolution

Unfortunately, They still project a decent, visible picture, and in time, it will get better. But for now, it seems the lower resolution models are readily available. 

Are Mini Projectors Better Than Projectors?

The primary difference between projectors and mini projectors is that full-size projectors aim to provide the highest quality image at the largest possible size than mini-projectors, which are geared more toward convenience and portability. 

Many mini projectors don’t come with the best video quality than other ordinary projectors, which can be a big upset for many users.

The better of the two will come down to personal preference and how you intend to use the projector.

The location where you will mount the projector is also a deciding factor. If you will mount it in the corner for example, you may want to consider a Projector With Horizontal Keystone.

Are Mini Projectors Better Than TV?

It’s no secret that TVs have far better video quality than projectors, but the two most significant advantages of owning a projector are the screen size and portability.

You can change the size of the projection depending on the space you have around you. 

You can also quickly move your project around and use it in places that often TVs cannot be used. This gives the projector an advantage in so many situations, and the better option will again come down to personal preference.

Can You Use a Projector for Everyday TV Watching?

You can use a projector for regular, everyday TV watching. It won’t hurt the projector; however, it may run down the bulb life a lot faster. Nonetheless, using a projector can lead to a much better overall TV watching experience at a lower price point than most TVs. 

How Do You Play Movies on a Mini Projector?

Almost every mini projector now comes with an HDMI cable, and you can plug any HDMI compatible device into the projector to project the content.

A laptop can cast through the projector by merely using an HDMI cord; however, users can launch the projector with a smartphone. 

While using a computer is more comfortable because you don’t need an adapter if you wish to use a mobile device when you first have to purchase a lightning HDMI adapter. This will allow you to connect a smartphone directly to the mini projector and cast content from your smartphone.

Do Projectors Use a Lot of Electricity?

Projectors are known to vary wildly when it comes to their power consumption; they tend to range from 50W for the mini projectors up to 150-800 watts for the much larger ones. Most TV’s use about 80 to 400 watts, depending on the size and technology.

How Much Should You Spend on a Mini Projector?

You should expect to pay anywhere between $50-$500 depending on the type of projector and the features it comes with. 

What Do You Need To Know Before Buying a Projector?

Before you buy a mini projector, there are few things worth considering to make sure you get the best option possible. 


An essential factor to consider is how you plan on playing the audio with your projector. Some mini projectors come with built-in speakers, while others do not.

You can either decide to buy a mini projector that includes speakers or purchase a sound system separately and connect it to the projector. 

If you want a bigger surround sound experience, you’ll want to look at external speakers. Still, if you want more portability, you can decide to go with Bluetooth speakers instead, only if your projector enables it. 


Does the projector support HMDI? Can your plugin a smart device? Does it work with Bluetooth? These are all fundamental questions you need to consider before purchasing your mini projector to make sure you get the best option.

3 Best Mini Projectors To Buy

Vamvo L4200 Mini Projector (Best Overall)

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The Vanmo L4200 is an inexpensive projector that’s lightweight and perfect for traveling and outdoor use.  lt comes with a padded case for extra protection, which makes it very easy to carry around.

It supports pretty much every type of connection: HDMI, USB, SD Card, and even VGA, and it also has built-in speakers that are good enough to watch your favorite movies.

Auking Mini Projector (Budget Choice)

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If you’re looking for a budget mini projector, then you won’t wrong with the Auking mini projector. While it’s cheaper than the other models on this list, you can expect decent brightness and image quality.

You will be disappointed to hear it only supports VGA and USB, but you should go for this model if that’s all you need.

Cocar C800s (Best portable)

Last update on 2025-01-19 / As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more about us.

The Cocar C800s s the coolest mini projector on this list, that can fit in the palm of your hand. It’s a more luxurious option, and for its size, its specs might surprise you.

The Cocar C800s can support up to 1080p video quality, has a built-in battery, a built-in speaker, WiFi, and even a mini tripod.

It also comes with Android 7.1 to make navigating the menu even more comfortable. The only downside is the brightness, but it will work excellently in dark rooms.

If you are looking for more mini-projectors with Wifi & Bluetooth, check this article.

Final Thoughts And Best Pick

Mini projectors can be entertaining and are perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.  They are less expensive than the standard projectors and are a joy to carry around. 

In short, the Vanmo L4200 is the best overall mini projector you can get on the market today. It’s lightweight and comes with pretty much every type of connection you can think of.

If you’re looking for an even more portable option, then we recommend the Cocar C800s. This mini projector will really impress you with the features it comes with for its size.

Having said that, are mini projectors better than ordinary projectors? We’ll let you decide! Thanks for taking the time to read this article.