
Technology Blog

3 Popular Webcams Without Microphone (Top Picks)

The thing about webcams nowadays is that manufacturers are trying to pack everything they can into their products, from internal memories and flash filters to microphones. All the bells and whistles ultimately reduce the quality of the single component that…

5 Webcams For Large Conference Rooms (Top Picks 2022)

If you’re thinking of acquiring a webcam for a large conference room, it has to be different from the normal one. A boardroom discussion can’t be the same as a conversation with a relative or a friend. That is why…


5 Popular Webcams for Low Light Conditions (Guide)

Low lights in rooms at home or recording studios is a problem sometimes. No matter how many lights you might install, if not used correctly there are going to be problems while recording videos and capturing images. This can be…


5 Best Webcams for OpenCV & Computer Vision

Webcam applications are being used for an array of functionalities nowadays whether it might be online classes, content creation, or simply personal use. There are many different webcam applications available online but most of them aren’t exactly the way you’d…


5 Best Webcams for Proctored Exams & Online Learning

Online exams have become part of every student’s life, today. The global health crisis has forced companies and colleges to opt for online exams and assessments. The monitoring of online exams is a topic that has gained the attention of…

5 Best Webcams for Microsoft Teams (Buyer’s Guide)

Are you looking for the best webcam for Microsoft Teams? Do you want to know what makes a webcam best for video conferences? Microsoft Teams is considered the best for video conferencing. However, you will have to focus on a…

6 Best Webcams For Thin Bezel Monitors (Full Guide)

Explore the best webcams for thin bezel monitors with our comprehensive guide. Discover key features to consider, including frame rate, resolution, autofocus, and microphone quality.


How To Use A Webcam As A Document Camera?

As work-from-home trend is increasing, more and more employees, instructors, and students need to show handwritten or printed documents in online meetings and classrooms. However, most people don’t have access to powerful document scanners. They just have a webcam.  This…

Art Technology

MacBook For After Effects (Guide and FAQ)

Adobe After Effects is one of the most popular programs among designers, particularly those who have a preference for motion graphics. The program has become the industry standard for creating animations, cinematic movie titles, and adding visual effects to films,…